Berseh Food Centre – Avoid at all cost

We searched online for a good hawker market near our Hotel and found the Berseh Food Centre. The reviews looked OK online, but not only was it not near us (Google maps took us a convoluted way that took 45 minutes to walk there) but also the food was ridiculous.

Berseh Food Centre

First the journey. Wow how a 12 minute walk on the internet search took 45 minutes in real life with Google maps taking us through little India and we think the red-light district of Singapore. We concluded this because some of the shop-fronts we walked past looked very dodgy and their was a large sign warning that “45 people have already been arrested this year for soliciting in this area”. Nice.

Now the destination. Around 20 small food outlets occupy what looks like an abandoned 2 storey carpark. The place looks unappealing (even for a hawkers market) and we are the only westerners here. I could not identify any of the foods that were signposted out the front of each of the stalls. Far, far too authentic with meals made of parts of animals and plants that you wont find shrink wrapped in an Australian supermarket.

Pig Organ Soup

We walked one more circuit around the centre in the hope that we might find a satay stick or something edible, but alas no luck and so we continued on to the exit. Instead we caught a train back to the glossy shopping centre next to our hotel and had dinner in a fancy Chinese restaurant with table-clothes and waiters. Aaaaah.

So unless you plan to plagiarise the TV show Bizarre Foods, I suggest you give Berseh a wide berth.

ClaudeSays – Avoid