Club Intercontinental Singapore – Is it Worth the Extra Cost??

When staying at the Intercontinental Singapore you can pay between $80 and $100 extra per day to stay in a Club class room and enjoy the benefits that the Club Intercontinental offers. Is it worth it? Lets find out.

Not only do you get the better rooms on the top two floors of the hotel and the very special feeling of being spoilt, you get access to the Club Lounge that includes:

  • A la carte breakfast from 6.30am to 10.30am
  • Afternoon tea from 2.30pm to 5.00pm
  • Evening cocktails and hors d’oeuvres from 6.00pm to 8.00pm

As well as

  • Clothes pressing for two pieces of garments upon arrival
  • 25% savings on all laundry services
  • High-speed wi-fi throughout the hotel
  • and other niceties

When you consider that breakfast for a basic room alone is an extra $38 per person then this would be a short blog and we can all agree that- yes t is worth it. But wait, there’s more….

Eggs Benedict in the Club

The quality of the food in the Club Lounge is amazing. So, so many steps above say the Qantas Business Club in Sydney that there is no comparison. The service is some of the best I have ever experienced ANYWHERE. The hosts and hostesses are super-friendly, they remember your name, make sure everything is to your liking and are truly genuinely interested in looking after you.  So lets look at the Club Lounge’s offerings chronologically-

High Tea in the Club

Breakfast is superb. Comfortable seating arrangements with a selection of serve yourself cold foods like cereals, pastries and fruits. You can then choose from a comprehensive menu that includes all the favourites- eggs cooked any style, omelettes,  pancakes etc etc etc. Real espresso coffee is an added bonus. My favourite is the eggs Benedict with a side of super crispy bacon. Tick

Afternoon tea is served in the high tea style. There is a great selection of savoury rolls and sandwiches and some lovely sweets like macrons and also a couple of fluffy scones with jam and cream. There is nothing better than sitting back in a comfortable lounge chair enjoying these morsels of food with your loved one while sipping on a cup of Earl Grey. Tick Tick.

Early evening means its time for the Cocktails and Canapes- again in the Club Lounge. This session alone is worth the price of admission. The previous night my wife and I had a Singapore Sling at the general bar in the lobby. The two drinks cost us $50. In the Club lounge the exact same thing is free as many as you want (or can handle). You have a great selection of wines or fancy cocktails. But it gets better. You are served three small hot canapes.

Cold Canape Selection in the Club

Tonight’s selection includes- an espresso cup size serving of tasty mushroom soup, a small piece of chicken teriyaki and a single curried prawn. But the cold self serve counter has some of the most amazing morsels of food imaginable. Besides all the cheeses, meats, sweets and other items, there is a huge selection of quality sushi, and ingenious single serves of tasty quality food. Items like crispy bacon Caesar salad with garlic aoli in a small glass, Sesame Soba Noodles and mayo tuna sushi. We doubt that we could have dined this well outside of the hotel (and paid a fortune for it) so we choose to change plans and “eat in” tonight. Tick Tick Tick.

Well the answer is an overwhelming YES. The Club at the Intercontinental Singapore is a bargain. I think I might get a second Singapore Sling. Waiter….

ClaudeSays – Do It

TIP: Even though this article is specific to the Club Intercontinental Singapore, you will probably find that most quality hotels in most cities offer a similar arrangement for those who want that something special. I recommend you explore these  option whenever you can.