The Gangs of Singapore

During my stay in Singapore I decide to try and connect with some of the “underbelly” or non-conformists that exist below the radar. Singapore is a strict society and has some tough and unusual laws that have fostered this anti-establishment army of gangs.

Banned on Trains

The sale and possession of chewing gum is banned in Singapore, well not quite if you roll with the Fu Man Chews. This underworld gang of mainly young males operate a significant distribution network of the sweet chewy substance. Tonight I am told I will get to meet the leader of this gang, Wrigley. I am blindfolded and taken to a small apartment on the outskirts of Singapore. As I enter the room the familiar stench of spearmint confirms that I am in the right place. They are initially suspicious and they pat me down and check that I am not wearing a wire. They are also on high alert after a recent ugly street war erupted with their biggest rival gang, the Masticators which ended with some members suffering horrific bite wounds. They remove the blindfold and before me is a young man who’s face is covered and disguised. He greets me but his speech is masked with a mouth full of Juicy Fruit.

He tells me the Chews have over 200 distribution points hidden around the city. They are also trialling a mobile delivery service called Chuber to deliver direct to their shady clientele. Sick of being persecuted by the authorities the group have devised ways of hiding their addiction and not showing any signs of chewing in public. The first involves chewing as you speak so the chewing motion is not detected. The next way involves chewing with your mouth shut, but the locals are struggling to succeed with this technique.

Club Rules

I share a Rainbow flavoured Hubba Bubba with Wrigley. The rush I experience tells me that these guys have good suppliers. I would say probably smuggled into Singapore by gum mules straight from the USA. Not the lesser quality stuff made in South East Asia. We both blow a bubble as a sign of mutual defiance and I bid farewell to my new friend Wrigley. I am then driven back to our original meeting point and set free.

A tense night comes to a sticky end.

ClaudeSays – Tongue in Cheek